This morning, the American guild Liquid from the Illidan server managed to be the first in the world to defeat the heroic Anduin Wrynn, so far the most difficult boss of the Sepulcher of the First Ones. The boss turned out to be quite difficult and fell only 1.5 days after the raid was opened, after the developers introduced various simplifications.
- The average equipment level was 255.9.
- In total, the team made 50 attempts.
- The victorious battle lasted 11:00, and it took almost 4 hours to master.
- The line-up included: the death knight in “Blood” and the monk “Brewmaster” as tanks: 2 paladins and 2 priests of both specializations, as well as a shaman as healers: 4 Weapon Warriors, 3 Balance Druids, 2 Shooting Hunters, 1 Enhancement Shaman, Stealth Rogue, Havoc Demon Hunter, Arcane Mage, Demonology Warlock as fighters.
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